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Cambridge & North Dumfries
Healthy Aging Resource Portal

Local resources for older adults & their caregivers.


Healthy aging information that you can trust.
Click on the links below to access trusted evidence-based information to support optimal aging. If you would like to request a print copy of any of the following resources, please contact the CND OHT office.


Group of senior women


If you or someone you know is experiencing a health or wellness emergency, please call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.


Please note this page does not include every health, social and community service in Cambridge & North Dumfries. It includes a
selection of services that we think our community may find helpful.




Subscribe to the Age Friendly Cambridge Newsletter HERE

Thank you to our community partners for supporting the development of HARP!



City of Cambridge Logo






CND OHT Patient,
Family & Caregiver







If your organization is interested in including resources to this portal, please contact [email protected].


Looking for a Health or Social Service in Cambridge North Dumfries?

Visit our service directory and search health, community and social services program in Cambridge and North Dumfries